Where do I start – owners? [This page is for property administrators. If you are a user/property staff member please change page.] Before you can start using...
Passwords & Access Setting my password When you login for the first time you will set your password. Your password must contain: Minimum...
Property Settings This section contains the basic information about your hotel. Some as basic as its name and other more detailed information...
User Settings This is where you manage your users and the permissions granted to them. Adding a user Users on Benson are...
Guest List What is a Guest List? A guest list is a daily view of the hotel’s activity. It lists (separately) the...
Where do I start – users? The first thing you will need on Benson is a login. The Benson support team will create the first user...
Tax Settings This section allows you to set different tax rates (normally VAT or Value Added Taxes). These tax rates are applied...