What is the Reservations Status Report?
This report will show the status of the reservations in the property. It will detail whether they are confirmed or not and whether the guarantees (deposits) have been paid or not.
Tip: We built this report to help you keep your reservations ‘healthy’. This article will teach you how to get the best from Benson.
Generating a Reservations Status Report?
You can select:
- A start date
- An end date
- Select between Create Date – using the above dates as the dates that reservations were created (you can’t go beyond ‘today’ as an end date)
- Or Stay Date – using the above dates as the dates of a reservations stay. This can be past and future-looking.
Understanding Reservations Status’
Awaiting Guarantee – reservations that are confirmed but awaiting payment of the deposit. The property must have allowed a time period to be possible between these two status. If all reservations require a deposit at booking then there can be no reservations on ‘Awaiting Guarantee’
Checked-in – reservations that have been checked-in at the property.
Checked-out – reservations that have checked-out from the property. All past reservations will have this status. The debtors report will show whether they still have monies owing.
Confirmed – reservations that have been confirmed. No guarantee has been required.
Guarantee Overdue – reservations whose guarantee is now late.
Guaranteed – reservations that have had the guarantee paid.
Manually Guaranteed – reservations that been manually guaranteed. This a manual action performed for example when a guarantee has been short paid by a small amount and the property does not want to bother a client with a demand for a negligible sum.
Provisional – all reservations start as provisional reservations.
Reconfirmed – reservations that have been reconfirmed. This status comes after the confirmed status.
What’s the flow of status’
Reservations that require a guarantee (a deposit) will follow this pattern: They may not necessarily go through all these steps however.
- Provisional – Awaiting Guarantee – Guarantee Overdue – Guaranteed – Manually Guaranteed
Reservations that do not require a guarantee will follow this pattern: They will always follow these steps in sequence.
- Provisional – Confirmed – Reconfirmed
Changing a reservation status
Users can up or down-grade a reservations status’ through the following sequences:
- Provisional – Confirmed – Reconfirmed
- Provisional – Awaiting Guarantee – Manually Guaranteed
Benson calculates automatically the ‘Guaranteed’ and ‘Guarantee-Overdue’ status’ according to the payment of the guarantee.
See detailed explanations on downloading and viewing options.