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Integration Queue

The Integration Queue

This refers to integrations that are allowing reservations into Benson – i.e. channel managers.

While Benson and its various integrated Channel Managers are able to communicate automatically and accurately with regards to creating reservations, there can be instances when a reservation is legitimately created in a channel manager but its creation on Benson does not feed through properly.

Should this ever happen, the reservation will be sent to the “Reservation Queue” which can be found in the Reservations menu of the system..

Benson will store the reservation in this queue until you are able to make a decision on whether or not it should be created in the system. Benson will notify the relevant channel manager on the decision you make, and availability will be updated accordingly.

The queue is split into three sections – Pending, Processed and Rejected. The Pending section will contain the queued Reservations that need your attention. The Processed section will consist of all the Reservations that have been created from the queue into Benson. The Rejected section will hold all the queued Reservations that were decided not to be added to Benson.

Updated on October 31, 2023

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